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This time it’s not about Corona or lockdown. It’s about Donald Trump. He is a cartoonist’s delight. Always speaks his mind. ( Even when out of it, at times. ) He is basically a successful businessman – not a politician. That’s his problem. You cannot run a country like a CEO does his company. Unlike a CEO’s neck, the US President has the albatross called Opposition, hung around his neck all the time questioning every action of his whether good or bad, twenty four hours a day throughout the four-year tenure. Unlike a CEO’s, the President’s is not a final word in a democracy. He is now learning all these fundamentals of politics the hard way! And Corona has indeed made things worse for him.

In politics pragmatism need not always get you due returns. More often than not, it backfires – to the delight of the Opposition. On many an occasion you will be left wondering why such a good decision you took – the best under the circumstances, left you looking like an idiot, in the end! Well, that’s politics and people don’t learn its intricacies even in a life time and our man had done just about three years – too short even for a business genius! Whether his decision to lift lockdown in some important US cities to prevent its negative impact on the economy eventually leading to job loss and hardships to the people will backfire or not – only time will tell. Good intentions don’t always fetch you good returns in politics, as in life. Being forthright could be a curse rather than a virtue in politics, as in life again.There is simply no plausible explanation to this obviously illogical phenomenon. Only explanation: well that’s life! There are so many such questions which beg for answers and which conventional wisdom cannot comprehend. And God appears to be taking His own sweet time providing these answers perhaps finding it tough to fit them into the parameters He had already set!

Well, time to take a look at Trump in recent times. Ending however, with a reflection on one of our govt.’s deft moves in the recent past. And how it was grabbed with both hands by our Maharashtra man, will follow soon. So, here goes:

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