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Updated: Jul 28, 2021

Lots happened during the past fortnight. I only hope Pegasus doesn't push Corona to the backstage. While protecting Democracy and peoples' fundamental right to privacy are important, our politicians better realize what TODAY'S priorities are, and don't end up making a mess of it. Unending lockdowns are causing unendurable suffering to the aam aadmi and it's high time govt did something about it.

To me the solution lies in vaccinating maximum population in the shortest possible time. This will boost immunity levels and allow open locks rather than lockdowns!

Vaccinate, vaccinate, vaccinate. Open lock, open lock, open lock. Ensuring life and livelihood of the people is the only logical option before the govt. So concentrating on procuring maximum vaccines from every available source should be its top priority if our people, economy and the country have to be saved. Do we need to study rocket science or wait for 'expert' advice to do it which needs only common sense in the first place.

But then common sense is so uncommon! Well, let's hope and pray better sense will prevail and govt will take right decisions to alleviate the suffering of common man sooner than later and that it's priorities will not get deviated by other less urgent issues.

Bye then. Jai Hind!

There will be another short episode in some time. Thereafter there will be a long break as I am planning travel to recoup health. Since return is open the break will be indefinite. You take good care in the meanwhile. Hopefully we will meet again when we and the nation are healthier. Here goes:

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