So much is happening every day, sometimes I am confused which topic to pick! I try to avoid frivolous issues blown out of proportion by today’s TRP-driven media which also has ( mainly the cronies among them) the hidden agenda of helping the Govt. by diverting attention from serious issues confronting the nation. I try my best not to fall into the trap despite the temptations.
The crony media is after non issues like, if Sushant’s was a suicide or murder, if Rea Chakraborty took drugs, if starlet Kangana Ranaut was right in calling Mumbai POK just because BMC broke her office furniture etc. Whatever, in the tussle between the naïve CM Uddhav Thackarey and the starlet, Kangana appears the winner of first round, with tacit support from Delhi - in the bargain managing a Y+ security available only to VVIPs- free of cost!
The media is celebrating these non events as if Sushant, Rea and Kangana matters more than Corona ( we are now neck-deep ), Economy, unemployment, GDP (at -24%), farmer suicides now spreading its tentacles to reach wider spectrum, Chinese intrusion and so on. Sensationalism for the sake of cheap TRP! But as promised, I will try to cover issues that matters to the nation and impact our day to day lives.
To those of you who think I have been generally harsh on Modi , I am reproducing a cartoon I did and published in the early nineties when Rajiv Gandhi was the PM.( It speaks for itself.) I, like other cartoonists of the time, was equally harsh with PM Indira Gandhi onwards. But everyone took it in the right spirit and nobody complained. ( The Rajiv cartoon appears under the heading “From The Archives”.) It’s really astonishing to see how old events play out even today, exactly the way they did in the past! How history repeats itself! You will realize it when you get to see more cartoons from the “Archives”!
As I clarified earlier, I am neither for nor against any individual or party or ideology. I am just pro people and pro democracy. Any entity fiddling with these will not be treated with kid gloves, I repeat. Bhakti is meant for God alone. I have no sympathy for the human XYZ-‘Bhakts’! Idol worship thrives in dictatorships – not in Democracy. Read history. Blind support only makes the recipient arrogant and intolerant of dissent: characteristics of a bad leader!
I will end this with a caution to all concerned about the way our economy is headed, in the absence of a well thought-out Road-map to save the situation. No indications so far about serious efforts being made in that direction involving professional experts. Let’s hope and pray, in the din of non issues all around, the Govt. is burning the midnight oil to save the nation from an impending economic disaster. With foresight and hard work miracles can happen: Let’s await one. We can- because we deserve better. Jai Hind. PS: Will try my best to do single cartoons ( may be two, sometimes ) on current topics more frequently.