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This episode is delayed, but compensated by few extra cartoons. So, despite all the lockdowns – single, double, triple (quadruple on the way?) the disease is spreading and will continue to spread till it reaches it’s plateau and starts its natural decline allowing us to breathe easier.( It will take time, and we should strictly follow the rules for as long as it takes, or even for ever - minus the mask!)

But our wily politicians (exceptions are always there) enjoying their sudden opportunity to control our lives 24x7 will not let it happen that easily. They will continue with the torture of ‘stay at homes ‘, lockdowns and confinements.( Even if you are left with nothing to eat and die of starvation, its ok with them - so long as it was not a Corona death. How else can one justify a youth dying of assault by policemen for not wearing a mask or of a young boy being chased by police for not following Corona protocol and he falls off a bridge and drowns!) That these measures have outlived their utility and have hardly yielded anticipated results but caused unimaginable suffering to the people at large, mainly the poor and the downtrodden, they conveniently ignore and continue with the lockdowns recklessly as if it’s some kind of a panacea! They go for the easy way out of locking in people in their homes instead of taking the pains to explore other avenues including better methods to contain the pandemic. They refuse to do a reality check or make the efforts to find more practical and less tortuous alternatives with the help of experts, and equip people to learn to live with Corona as it is not going to go away too soon. They should get the medical infrastructure ready on a war footing and be prepared.

I have a justifiable apprehension that the political leaders enjoying the total control on the peoples’ daily lives are not in any hurry to come out of the pandemic situation for other reasons too. Look at the perks they enjoy by way of ‘ force majure’ clause it presents them with. They can now amend laws at will, award contracts without calling for tender, appoint favourites at key posts circumventing the PSC route etc. They can also under the same cover, refuse public scrutiny of public funds as in the case of PM CARES FUND which is even refusing to be covered by RTI Act, for what reason only God knows. The Kerala CM also has, so far not given an account of what he did with all those crores received as donations to the CM’s Flood Relief Fund last year and the year before! Transparency: Heard of it?

Instead of genuinely making concerted efforts for finding a people-friendly workable solution to the problem, what I find our leaders do is to keep the people frightened through relentless onslaught of an overdose of information on the spread of the disease, creating a fear psychosis leading to panic among the people to such an extent even cured patients are unwelcome in their own homes. Instances of refusal to bury/cremate the body in case of death is on the rise due to the same reason. Amidst the overall failure of the govts to contain the pandemic, ( India is the No. 3 in the world today) it’s amusing to see the claims of “great success” achieved in containing the virus and self congratulations galore by politicians on that count. “Incredible India” indeed!

But WE SHALL OVERCOME! We Indians are bestowed with an indomitable staying power and resilience. Let the light of eternal optimism burn. That’s the light which will show us our way forward. Hard times are ahead. But sleep peacefully. There’s God Almighty above, watching over us. HE won’t let us down. Have trust in HIM. Jai Hind!

Here goes:

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