I have been observing Indian politics since Nehru days as a student. I started drawing political cartoons during Indira Gandhi’s Prime Ministership. That I chose Political Science as main subject for graduation did help. It gave me the perspective and insight into the world of political deception dominating Indian polity where vested interests have hijacked it in the garb of full time politicians ‘sacrificing’ his/her life to ‘serve’ the people! These ‘leaders’, irrespective of Party, have either of the following two objectives: while enjoying a luxurious life style at the cost of tax payers’ money, one, amass as much wealth as possible during the tenure, two , implement a personal agenda! In my opinion, Modi belongs to the second category.
PM Modi but for his communal bias and megalomania, is as good or bad a PM as any of his predecessors are! Nothing more- nothing less! Whether one agrees with his politics or not, the fact remains that people keep voting for him irrespective of all the accusations the Opposition is making against him! The so called Opposition has no answers for it. Despite the rising cost of living, oil/cooking gas prices going through the roof etc, people keep voting for him and I won’t be surprised if Modi oust Mamata and capture Bengal in the coming elections! But if it is due to his popularity or the powerful propaganda machinery he employs or due to the TINA factor – only time can tell. As always we can only hope for the best!
Many of the cartoons were already drawn and ready. Some are under process as I write this. But within the constraints of the present infrastructure and the fact my daughter Shilpa and son-in-law Prateek Vishwa (of PVDS Design Studio email prateek@prateekvishwa.com) help me with the technical part despite their busy schedule, the present arrangement of bunching the cartoons will have to continue until an avenue opens up for quicker uploads in future. There is possibility of a daily cartoon a la daily front page pocket cartoon ‘Eavesdropper’ By Sabu in Indian Express in the nineties which I did for almost ten years! ( till the corporate demon forced the break!) Technicalities are the only problem. Let’s hope it may ( or may not) work out some day in the near future. But Blogs will continue as usual - 2 or 3 or even more – in a month! There are 12 cartoons this time: As I said India is a happening country! Jai Hind!