The entire creatures of this world such as humans, animals, plants etc are all creations of the God Almighty. What we tend to forget is that these also include bacteria and virus. Without His knowledge, nothing can happen anywhere – we all know. So, this Corona virus attack is no exception. Hear this conversation between the parties:
Corona Virus: Almighty, this is Corona Division In Charge of the Virus Corporation assigned the maintenance and repair work of the planet Earth codenamed ‘Mission Possible,’ reporting from the Indian subcontinent region. Our brief was to carry out a thorough cleaning of the planet earth which while technologically advancing, was subjecting itself to moral and environmental degradation about which you were getting highly concerned.
We have made Delhi breathable again, as also most of the major and minor cities in the region affected by uncontrolled air pollution caused mainly by vehicles and polluting industries about which the ruling politicians appeared not much concerned. The maintenance and repair work is still going on. We compelled them to enforce social distancing. As you were also concerned about the population explosion upsetting the equilibrium of birth-death ratio, we thought strict enforcement of social distancing by couples would have greatly contributed to controlling it. But unfortunately the govt.’s orders to ‘ stay home’ has not only upset our plans, but in fact help double it during the lockdown period, O Lord!
We have been able to put a stop, albeit temporarily, to the growing religious and communal extremism in the country by closing down all places of worship – coveted by the political class to acquire power easily. We have also though temporarily, stopped the uncontrolled foreign ‘ study tours’ of the ruling politicians by grounding airlines.
Almighty: While your efforts in pollution control etc seems working, I need more information on the main brief given to you regarding population control. You were to mainly target the overstaying senior citizens specially the sick ones. You are aware, more births than deaths was upsetting the planet’s natural permissible weight leading to unnatural earthquakes, floods and other disasters which we have not programmed. You know it’s not easy to keep such a heavy thing suspended in space without any kind of support but for my engineering skills. My chief scientist recently complained to me how the extra weight caused by less deaths and more births is affecting the natural equilibrium and he is finding it very difficult to keep it afloat. Unless we do something fast things can go out of hand and no use blaming me for it. That’s why I gave you this urgent assignment to get rid of all the overstaying old foggies as fast as possible irrespective of region, religion, cast , creed, whether rich, poor, white ,black, brown or yellow. How much of the target given to you have you achieved?
Corona: Our main target is the elderly, O Almighty. Please go through the countrywise reports. Italy, France, Germany, US, Russia, Brazil, UK – all of them are there. Even here in India we have got the maximum senior ones. But in India where we did fail is in getting the political elderly – a highly evasive lot! Despite our best efforts all we are able to get are the ordinary ones. Not a single prominent Indian politician we could lay our hands on till date, save for an MLA from Tamil Nadu recently. They are so well secured and protected, all our efforts to get at least one prominent one has failed.
We remember your brief was very clear : to get rid of at least 75% of the old worn out Indian politicians still hanging on to positions and power, to save this country. But I must admit they are such a well entrenched lot, you alone can do something about it I am afraid, O Almighty. Our boys in Britain could lay their hands on even the Prime Minister Boris Johnson, but here we could not touch even a hundred-time MP octogenarian politician anywhere in the whole country. Never seen such an adamant lot anywhere! Almighty you may have to think of much more than a Corona
if you want to save this country from the clutches of all the senior political octopuses still hanging around blocking the way of the younger generation and fresh thinking in the Indian polity.
Almighty: Ok. I will think about it and do needful before too long. . What else from the targets given to you have you achieved?
Corona: Dirty habits of spitting pan, tambaco or just simply, in every nook and corner without a care for others have been stopped. Now the people themselves will not allow it. The importance of personal hygiene has been drilled into people, specially children so they will fall sick less frequently in normal life and will by and large remain healthier than before.
People of consumer states like Kerala have started taking interest back in agriculture which they had abandoned long ago because it was considered downmarket. Everyone in Kerala was interested only in either a Govt. job or if in private sector, nothing less than a manager’s post. But in Dubai or in any other foreign country it was ok even if it was a menial job. We are sending hoards of them back to the state and since the state has nothing on offer for their rehabilitation, they will have no option but to turn to cultivation
for survival, contributing to the cause of agriculture.
Few political leaders have resolved as follows: PM Modi has resolved not to embrace any world political leaders while on tour, but will hereafter offer Namaste from a safe distance. Animal husbandry minister Maneka Gandhi has resolved not to ask for the religion of any dead animal hereafter whether an elephant, leopard or any other, if it’s killed even by poachers.
Almighty: Ok, ok. But I hope you took special care not to trouble the poor and the younger lot everywhere.
Corona: Indeed we did. But again, as in the case of the old politicians, we failed in that aspect too in India, my Lord. By taking extra safe care of the politicians inclusive of the old foggies, the built-in Indian political system thwarted the effective implementation of getting the maximum elderly off the planet as part of the spring cleaning you planned for Earth. Similarly it also thwarted us from implementing your directive of not hurting the poor and the young. I am uploading to you a video of the plight of what they call daily wage earning ‘ migrant labourer’ in this country.
The Almighty gestures to the virus and Corona leaves. What the gesture meant – whether to continue the cleaning job or put a stop to it, only God Almighty knows!
In the backdrop of losing Goa, Karnataka and Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan under siege, leaving only Punjab, Chattisgarh and Puduchery, with the Congress party, a grassroots level Congress party worker asked a Congress Neta. “ Sir, you tell me one single reason why I should continue in Congress – a party without a proper leadership and on the decline everywhere since no one sees a future for it any time soon. A party under siege by an old foggie syndicate long discarded by people, and with a sulking young ( middle aged) leader who doesn’t want to lead but is in perpetual persuasion mode by the hangers-on!. I cannot help but always get the vision of a headless chicken whenever I think of the party. I want your honest answer sir”.
The leader has not stopped scratching his head, when the GRL Congress worker after waiting for a long while, walks away sheepishly – scratching his head!